martes, 25 de enero de 2011

My Very First Post

In this, my very first post in my blog I would like to say just a little bit about myself, my name is Adriana, I come from Peru, and since I've just finished my career as a fashion designer the idea of having a blog dedicated to fashion was the next thing to do.  I enjoy a lot reading fashion blogs, finding a new one, checking the latest trend reports, the latest fashion shoots, and pictures of total strangers from around the globe looking awesome walking out on the streets.  

I love fashion, I love the way it let us express just the way we are, even when some people don’t even intend to care about their outfits, the way it let us expose what we feel and in some cases what we stand for.   

 Fashion was, is and will always be part of our lives because it’s a reaction of what is happening in the world at a certain point of history. So if you are a fashion blogger, a fashionista, fashion designer or just want to be “in”, keep up with fashion and to always find out what’s new about it follow my blog and check “The Ultimate Fashion Statement”.


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